CAPS is an acronym for “Cognitive Affective Personality Science.” The CAPS Lab is a dedicated team of researchers mostly made up of Wes students with a shared interest in the scientific study of psychopathology. Our research methods include behavioral studies of cognition-emotion interactions and the use of advanced statistical procedures to study psychological assessment and diagnosis. We are interested in learning more about how thoughts and feelings interact to help us function better in the world, and how, when these processes don’t quite work right, they can sometimes hurt or cause other problems. Our research participants include those who have experienced extreme stress and suffer posttraumatic stress disorder, and individuals with affect-related disorders such as borderline personality, anxiety, and depression. People who haven’t had these experiences or problems sometimes participate, too. Research in the CAPS Lab aims to develop new ways to understand and diagnose psychological problems. Our hope is that this work will one day pave the way for new treatments for mental disorders.